Sunday, September 9, 2018

Week Two Highlights

Week Two was another week to build routines, and solidify procedures. It is going very well. Another big part of this week was learning what it meant to have a GROWTH MINDSET. Since third grade is a year where children start to grow up more in their academic life, I have been spending some time with these third graders on developing the understanding that they are in control of their learning path. To do that they learned the difference between growth and fixed mindsets, identified things they couldn't do quite yet, practiced using the language of someone who wants to persevere, and set SMART goals for themselves. Take a look a the activities below.

These kids are trying to save Fred the gummy worm who lost his gummy lifesaver under his boat(the cup). They could only use paperclips rather than hands to help him.

During this activity I wrote down some of their quotes. Some had more of a fixed rather than growth mindset. 

After this activity we took a survey to find out what type of mindset we thought we hand. I was surprised at how many kids had more of a fixed mindset than growth. We discussed how third grade is going to be a year where we grow a lot and that our mindsets will determine how much growth we can do. 

You can take the survey too to see where your land!

These are brains that show growth and fixed mindset quotes

We set SMART goals too! These goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely
Some created a goal to get 3 green lights this week in reflex math, others created a goal to memorize the Bible verse, another one that came up was to read 10 pages a night.

I noticed that many students picked goals they are already good at :) I'm hoping to push some of them out of their comfort zones a bit and choose goals in an area of weakness as we continue this routine.

This is where we store our goals when we achieve them. I will share this with you at conferences in November! 

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