Sunday, October 7, 2018

Week Six Highlights

Character Education is important to me and I am glad to be in a Christian School where I have the freedom to work on it from a Christian perspective. This week we discussed Bucket Fillers and Bucket Dippers. We learned that everyone carries around and invisible bucket. A bucket Filler is someone who encourages, lifts up, or helps another person. When we are bucket fillers, our buckets become full too!! Bucket Dippers are people who put down, ignore, or seek to do mean things. When we dip into people's buckets, it effects ours as well. After discussing this, we took the opportunity to fill buckets for people in the school by writing a note or giving a hug. Now we have established, "BUCKET FILLER FRIDAYS." You may see these cute notes in their take home folders each week. Feel free to use this language at home to reinforce what we talk about at school.

EPIC was a highlight to this past week. Students are reading a lot using this tool in the classroom. I am able to see what books they are choosing, how long they are reading, if they are shopping too much and not reading enough. I have to say its great for tracking purposes. We will continue to use Epic in the classroom. However, if you want to get it for a couple of months free at home: use the code: MOMHOUR.

This year students learn 3 main properties to multiplication. Since its more of a concept rather than a skill, I try to break them down by providing a visual and hands-on opportunities.

Commutative property is when the factors in the equation can switch and the product stays the same. 

Distributive property is when you break apart a multiplication equation into smaller equations that are easier to solve. Then you add their totals to get to the answer. Below you will see students doing this using an area model with cubes. 

Associative Property requires some algebraic thinking! We plan to get to this in a couple of weeks.

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